We protect our products with intellectual property patents in different parts of the world! Because we are a serious Chilean company that wants to transcend in the long term. Because we love challenges, we do not believe in borders and we do not know our own limits.
After a lot of effort, bureaucracy, and the efforts of our technical area, we finally obtained the patent for our products in the United States, an industry giant.
From the old continent, which is the place where most orders for thermal lances are made, for this reason our products are patented in Europe.
Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, and for this reason Trefimet has made an executive and economic effort to protect its products in this giant of the industry.
Kazakhstan, an Asian country with great potential, since it has many furnaces and different types of materials. We hope that globalization will bring us even closer to these oriental clients.
It is a great pride, to have obtained the intellectual property patent of some of our products, in this Asian giant (China).
We hope to be able to be in the medium term visiting Chinese lands.
Because we take care of our products, we protect our ideas and we know the size of the market in which we want to participate, we patent our products in South Africa, a country that has more than 50 mega-furnaces.